[AJAX基礎教學 - 1]Introduction to AJAX
[#FF0000]記住: 你之前要有basic的HTML同JavaScript同XML的知識[/#FF0000]

What is AJAX?
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Basically, AJAX is not a new programming language; it is a new way to use JavaScript and XML to create some really awesome things in your website.

For example:
The website without AJAX

When you type, it will send a request for the web files using HTTP which is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Protocol is just a way or common language to transfer the messages over the Internet. When you go to another page by clicking another link, it will send the request again for other web files. It is pretty cool, but it is very stupid because when you want to have a few changes for your website, such as CityU student and staff pages, it [#FF0000]only change the central portion, but the entire website has to be reloaded[/#FF0000] with that kind a [#FF0000]suck[/#FF0000]!

The website with AJAX

When you leave your comments on the Facebook and press “Enter”, you don’t need to reload the entire website, and then the message is shown very quickly. It is very awesome.

[#FF0000]AJAX is a solution that allows you to update a certain portion of your webpage dynamically without having really to reload the entire page.[/#FF0000][/size=6]

More examples:


2013/07/15, 4:07:48 凌晨
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