[AJAX基礎教學 - 3]Your first AJAX program
[AJAX基礎教學 - 3]Your first AJAX program – part A: Create a user interface

[#FF0000]呢個tutorial 的 program係我係網上見到人地寫得幾好拎黎用,我唔係原創,不過我改左小小code,但成個structure係冇改過。[/#FF0000]

因為呢個program會用到JavaScript, PHP同HTML,所以你地最好要有小小呢3個方面的知識。

1. 由於用到PHP,你地要裝一D軟件令到你部機做server,個人推薦用easyPHP,
然後將所以你建立的html,js,php之類放係C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-DevServer-13.1VC11\data\localweb\projects\”here”

到最後你可以係browser度打 localhost 又或者去test你個program

2. 用notepad++寫任何programs[/#FF0000]

We are going to build a very simple but awesome web-based AJAX program. In this program, we are going to type in some texts in the textbox and see if it exists or not.

Here is the first AJAX program:
Source code:

When you first visit it:

After you type in some texts like “hkgolden”, it told you that “we have no hkgolden” because the server doesn’t have this record.

Re-type other texts like “hkgalden”, the server found it.

This program consists of three different files; there are index.html, website.php and website.js
index.html is used to create the user-interface of the webpage
website.js is used to create a AJAX program, it will be explained in detail later
website.php is used to do the matching and output the XML file

1. First, you just open your notepad++, whatever you are using, and type this code in your editor.

This is a very simple structure of every HTML page.

2. [#FF0000]In head[/#FF0000], of course, we [#FF0000]link it to a JavaScript file[/#FF0000], please just type in <script type="text/javascript" src="website.js"></script> inside the head tag.

[#FF0000]In HTML5, you don’t need to type “type="text/javascript"” because it will be automatically treated as Javascript.[/#FF0000][/size=2]

3. In our body, of course, we make our interface there. In the opening body tag, [#FF0000]we want the JavaScript file is called as soon as the webpage is fully loaded[/#FF0000], so [#FF0000]we have to specific an “onload” attribute[/#FF0000].
So the line 5 is: <body onload="process()">, the process() function, of course, we will create it in our JavaScript file called” website.js” later.

4. We continue to create the interface. Please just type in:
<h2>Simple AJAX program</h2>
Please enter your website:
<input type="text" id="input" />

Please [#FF0000]make sure[/#FF0000] [#FF0000]you have to give an id[/#FF0000] to the [#FF0000]input box[/#FF0000] because we need to reference it whenever we are working with AJAX.

5. And under this, we are going to be [#FF0000]changing a portion of the website[/#FF0000]. So we are going to be changing a <div> element. The div will be changing dynamically based on what the user type in.

The final HTML will be looked:

2013/07/15, 8:07:04 早上
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