[AJAX基礎教學 - 4]Your first AJAX program
[AJAX基礎教學 - 4]Your first AJAX program – part A: Create the XML file

Welcome to the AJAX – 4 tutorial

What I did in the previous tutorial?
We have just [#FF0000]created a simple user interface[/#FF0000] of the webpage, so what we have now is only a website it dosen’t do anything.
As you can see when we are typing something, it has [#FF0000]no functionality built yet[/#FF0000].

[right]Source code:[/right][/size=3]

What we are going to do?
To create the scripts. Now remember what I said this program consists of HTML file which is being looked as right above, a PHP file and a JavaScript file. The PHP file is stayed on the server and the JavaScript file is stayed on user computer. So that way [#FF0000]the user computer and the PHP file on the server[/#FF0000] they can [#FF0000]communicate with each other behind the scene[/#FF0000]. And [#FF0000]all the users see is just the interface[/#FF0000]; it doesn’t even see the complex itself that is going on behind the scene. But we know what really going on back there, so let’s go ahead on building them right now.


To create the XML file:

1. open notepad++ and type”[#FF0000]<?php ?>[/#FF0000]”, then save it “[#FF0000]website.php[/#FF0000]”
[#FF0000]<?php ….. ?>[/#FF0000] is the [#FF0000]basic structure of every PHP file[/#FF0000].

Why we need a PHP file?
We are learning AJAX here, but why we need a PHP file is [#FF0000]the PHP file[/#FF0000] is going to [#FF0000]generate the XML file[/#FF0000] and then to [#FF0000]send the XML file to the client computer[/#FF0000]. So it is still seen as XML file by a JavaScript file even through it is generated from the PHP code.

2. In our PHP file, we type “[#FF0000]header('Content-Type: text/xml');[/#FF0000]” inside <?php HERE ?>. This code means we are going to be [#FF0000]generating XML content[/#FF0000].

3. Under this, we type “[#FF0000]echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>';[/#FF0000]”. This code is used every time when you are generating the XML file.

4. We are going to [#FF0000]make an XML element[/#FF0000]. So under this, we type “[#FF0000]echo '<response>';[/#FF0000]” and “[#FF0000]echo '</response>';[/#FF0000]”.

Now all of our codes are going to be sent and between the opening “<response>” tag and the closing </response> tag.

The highlighted area is what the JavaScript file going to see and output the result on the “result” div under the input box. For example: it is going to say “[#FF0000]We do have hkgalden ![/#FF0000]” or “[#FF0000]Sorry puck we have no hkgolden ![/#FF0000]”…


In the next tutorial, we are going to [#FF0000]finish the codes between the response tags[/#FF0000]. It is going to be created dynamically [#FF0000]using PHP[/#FF0000].

2013/07/16, 1:07:04 凌晨
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