MK 文化論 (Part 1)
The world is MK. MK is all about human stupidity.

人類文明的發展是相當緩慢的, 而當科技超級人文時, 人類文明更有倒退的跡象。自古以來人類文明充斥一堆反智的人, 人口多而且繁殖力強, 甚至企圖征服宇宙, 我們稱之為 MK: 牠們建立國家、宗教、禮節…… 一堆堆毫不尊重個體差異, 以集體意志消滅個體意志的制度。女權主義、恐怖主義、邏輯主義、科學主義、後現代主義等等的意識形態, 足以證明人類是多麼的愚蠢。人類文明, 說得坦白些就是MK的文明, 愈低等愈能流芳百世。

J. Krishnamurti, an guru from India, has produced the following speeh:

We will see how very important it is to bring about, in the human mind, the radical revolution. The crisis, is a crisis of consciousness. A crisis that cannot anymore, accept the old norms, the old patterns, the ancient traditions. And, considering what the world is now, with all the misery, conflict, destructive brutality, aggression, and so on... Man is still as he was. Is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive. And, he's built a society along these lines.

科學的興起, 令古老而有強大解釋力的智慧, 包括占星學和九型人格, 背上了偽科學的污名, 而人類開始變得愚昧, 企圖利用最愚蠢的實驗作為追求真理的惟一指標, 而這些所謂的科學家, 卻是連自己的直覺也不相信。於是, 愚蠢的人能夠統治世界, 而聰明的人則絕後。人類文明有始則有終, 人類滅亡乃時間問題, 而 MK 文化愈昌盛, 人類則更快滅亡。當科學家大力提倡人工智能, 並視科幻小說中對人工智能的恐懼之無物, 我想像到, 當今的世界, 正是人文白痴(humanity illiterate)的世界。那麼, 讀書還有用嗎?
2017/08/24, 3:09:14 凌晨
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