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Ars Technica出咗篇報導講SSD
早前有個Post講SSD,咁啱今日又見到Ars Technica出咗篇報導。
The results are impressive: the consumer-grade SSDs tested all made it to at least 700TB of writes before failing. Three of the drives have written 1PB (that’s a thousand terabytes, by TechReport’s decimal reckoning, not 1024TB). That’s a hell of a lot more writes than the manufacturers’ stated drive lifetimes, and that’s good news for SSD-buying consumers.
In an update posted yesterday morning, TechReport listed the first casualties: the Intel 335, the incompressible workload Kingston HyperX 3K, and the triple-level cell Samsung 840. Intel’s 335 died at around 700TB of writes, while the Kingston drive lasted to a bit over 725TB; the TLC NAND-equipped Samsung 840 gamely soldiered on to past 900TB before dying.
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