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我是來發貼的 [科技臺]搶攝影師飯碗?Sony 找綿羊直播環法自行車賽
搶攝影師飯碗?Sony 找綿羊直播環法自行車賽[/size=4][/b]
運動相機 GoPro 自掛牌以來股票直線飄紅,運動相機這一概念被各大廠商追捧,影像裝置老牌廠商Sony 眼見 GoPro 走紅,自然不能錯過推薦自家產品的機會,在即將開始的環法自行車賽中 Sony HDR 運動相機參與賽事的全程直播,為提供這款產品的出眾性能,Sony 特別邀請比利牛斯山綿羊擔任電視攝影。
全球知名的體育賽事環法自行車賽將在 2014 年 7 月 5 日開賽,Sony 公司特別挑選了 5 隻綿羊來擔任此次賽事的電視攝影,使用的 Sony 旗下最新款的運動相機 HDR-AS100VR/W,每款定價400美元,由遙控器遠程操控。
Sony 將把 HDR 運動相機透過寵物狗衣物安裝在綿羊身上,遙控器則是交給當地的農夫 Ian Hammond 完成拍攝,這就是百年環法賽歷史上第一支動物直播團隊。
Sony Has A Bizarre Plan For The Tour De France, And It Involves Sheep — Yes, Sheep — With Video Cameras[/size=4][/b]
Sony wants to remind you that it's still in the camcorder game, even though GoPro has been stealing the spotlight lately.
And it plans to do that by attaching its Action Cam — presumably the HDR-AS100VR/W, which comes with a remote control and costs around $400 — to five sheep in Harewell Hall in Harrogate, a town in Northern Yorkshire.
The sheep will film cyclists competing in the Tour de France, a 118-mile bike race across the UK and France.
The cameras will be attached to the sheep using a modified dog harness, and the cameras will be controlled remotely by a farmer, named Ian Hammond. (You can see pictures of what it looks like over at TrendHunter.)
"Locally we are really looking forward to the Tour de France coming through Yorkshire, the dales certainly are a good test for cyclists and I’m looking forward to seeing how my flock perform as Sony’s first ever sheep cam," Hammond told the Daily Mail.
In a world of a million tiny HD cameras — GoPro, of course, but other companies, such as iOn and Monoprice, have equally good action cameras — it looks like Sony is really trying to stand out from the pack. Or the herd, as the case may be.
The HDR-AS100VR is a good camera. It's waterproof, it comes with a ton of accessories, and it outperforms the GoPro Hero3 in terms of battery life, according to CNET's review. And the best part is that it comes with a Live View remote control, which allows you to live stream what the camera is recording from a device you wear on your wrist.
The race begins on Saturday.
I will spare you all the sheep jokes because they're baaaa-d. (Sorry.)
We've reached out to Sony, and will update this post when we hear back.
運動相機 GoPro 自掛牌以來股票直線飄紅,運動相機這一概念被各大廠商追捧,影像裝置老牌廠商Sony 眼見 GoPro 走紅,自然不能錯過推薦自家產品的機會,在即將開始的環法自行車賽中 Sony HDR 運動相機參與賽事的全程直播,為提供這款產品的出眾性能,Sony 特別邀請比利牛斯山綿羊擔任電視攝影。
全球知名的體育賽事環法自行車賽將在 2014 年 7 月 5 日開賽,Sony 公司特別挑選了 5 隻綿羊來擔任此次賽事的電視攝影,使用的 Sony 旗下最新款的運動相機 HDR-AS100VR/W,每款定價400美元,由遙控器遠程操控。
Sony 將把 HDR 運動相機透過寵物狗衣物安裝在綿羊身上,遙控器則是交給當地的農夫 Ian Hammond 完成拍攝,這就是百年環法賽歷史上第一支動物直播團隊。
Sony Has A Bizarre Plan For The Tour De France, And It Involves Sheep — Yes, Sheep — With Video Cameras[/size=4][/b]
Sony wants to remind you that it's still in the camcorder game, even though GoPro has been stealing the spotlight lately.
And it plans to do that by attaching its Action Cam — presumably the HDR-AS100VR/W, which comes with a remote control and costs around $400 — to five sheep in Harewell Hall in Harrogate, a town in Northern Yorkshire.
The sheep will film cyclists competing in the Tour de France, a 118-mile bike race across the UK and France.
The cameras will be attached to the sheep using a modified dog harness, and the cameras will be controlled remotely by a farmer, named Ian Hammond. (You can see pictures of what it looks like over at TrendHunter.)
"Locally we are really looking forward to the Tour de France coming through Yorkshire, the dales certainly are a good test for cyclists and I’m looking forward to seeing how my flock perform as Sony’s first ever sheep cam," Hammond told the Daily Mail.
In a world of a million tiny HD cameras — GoPro, of course, but other companies, such as iOn and Monoprice, have equally good action cameras — it looks like Sony is really trying to stand out from the pack. Or the herd, as the case may be.
The HDR-AS100VR is a good camera. It's waterproof, it comes with a ton of accessories, and it outperforms the GoPro Hero3 in terms of battery life, according to CNET's review. And the best part is that it comes with a Live View remote control, which allows you to live stream what the camera is recording from a device you wear on your wrist.
The race begins on Saturday.
I will spare you all the sheep jokes because they're baaaa-d. (Sorry.)
We've reached out to Sony, and will update this post when we hear back.
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