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The World's Best Living Programmers
The World's Best Living Programmers
Jon Skeet : Legendary Stack Overflow contributor (平均每個月喺StackOverflow答超過425條問題。)
Gennady Korotkevich : Competitive programming prodigy
Linus Torvalds : Creator of Linux (有用開GNU/Linux同Git的都會知道吧。)
Jeff Dean : The brains behind Google search indexing
John Carmack : Creator of Doom
Richard Stallman : Creator of Emacs, GCC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman)
Petr Mitrechev : One of the top competitive programmers of all time
Fabrice Bellard : Creator of QEMU (QEMU及FFmpeg原創者。)
Doug Cutting : Creator of Lucene (Lucene及Hadoop原創者,現為Apache Software Foundation director。)
Donald Knuth : Author of The Art of Computer Programming (TeX原創者。)
Anders Hejlsberg : Creator of Turbo Pascal (Microsoft的C#同TypeScript由他設計。)
Ken Thompson : Creator of Unix (與Dennis Ritchie共同開發UNIX,開發B programming language、UTF-8、ed、Go programming language開發人之一。)
Adam D'Angelo : Co-founder of Quora
Sanjay Ghemawat : Key Google architect
Jon Skeet : Legendary Stack Overflow contributor (平均每個月喺StackOverflow答超過425條問題。)
Gennady Korotkevich : Competitive programming prodigy
Linus Torvalds : Creator of Linux (有用開GNU/Linux同Git的都會知道吧。)
Jeff Dean : The brains behind Google search indexing
John Carmack : Creator of Doom
Richard Stallman : Creator of Emacs, GCC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman)
Petr Mitrechev : One of the top competitive programmers of all time
Fabrice Bellard : Creator of QEMU (QEMU及FFmpeg原創者。)
Doug Cutting : Creator of Lucene (Lucene及Hadoop原創者,現為Apache Software Foundation director。)
Donald Knuth : Author of The Art of Computer Programming (TeX原創者。)
Anders Hejlsberg : Creator of Turbo Pascal (Microsoft的C#同TypeScript由他設計。)
Ken Thompson : Creator of Unix (與Dennis Ritchie共同開發UNIX,開發B programming language、UTF-8、ed、Go programming language開發人之一。)
Adam D'Angelo : Co-founder of Quora
Sanjay Ghemawat : Key Google architect
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