《紐約時報》:衝擊事件高登網民有份 警方一直嚴密監察
Protesters Attempt to Break Into the Hong Kong Legislature[/size=4]
By MICHAEL FORSYTHE and ALAN WONGNOV. 18, 2014[/size=2]

HONG KONG — Demonstrators attempted to break into Hong Kong’s legislature late Tuesday night and early Wednesday by smashing windows. Police officers in riot gear used pepper spray to help quell the protest and arrested four men.

Witnesses said the attempted break-in was in retaliation for court-ordered clearances of some parts of the protest area that began on Tuesday.

But the main student groups leading the sit-in demonstrations that have surrounded the Legislative Council complex for more than 50 days moved quickly to distance themselves from the vandalism.

Behind a police cordon at the legislature’s building were two smashed windows, one with a hole large enough for people to slip through.

For weeks, the main protest area in the Admiralty district of Hong Kong has been largely peaceful, as a festive tent city gradually spread out over a wide thoroughfare and demonstrators filled their new occupied zone with art.
The overnight clash marked a shift and involved at least some people from the more militant protest zone in the Mongkok neighborhood, across Victoria Harbor in Kowloon. They wore the characteristic hard hats and surgical masks of those protests

On Wednesday morning, a group of helmeted demonstrators huddled together near the police lines outside the Legislative Council, watching news reports of their attempted break-in on their cellphones.

[#ff0011]One man, a 23-year-old employee at a Japanese noodle shop who called himself Kuroros, said the action was aimed at taking over the building, just as protesters in Taiwan occupied the legislature there earlier this year.[/#ff0011][#ff0011]其中一名23歲自稱Kuroros的示威者,表示目標是要效法台灣的太陽花學運,接管立法會大樓。[/#ff0011]

[#ff0011]“If we keep sitting here, doing nothing, nothing’s going to change,” he said.他認為繼續無所事事地靜坐,事情不會有所改變。[/#ff0011]

Kuroros, who said he helped smash the windows with concrete blocks and metal rods, declined to give his real name because he feared arrest.[#ff0011] “This isn’t about law, it’s about politics,”[/#ff0011] he said.[#ff0011]他拒絕被捕,因為這是政治問題,不是法律問題。[/#ff0011]

[#ff0011]Posts on HKGolden, an online message board, rallied people to take part in the break-in.[/#ff0011][#ff0011]高登有網民召集網友參與衝擊。 [/#ff0011]One post used thinly disguised code words, c[#ff0011]alling the Legislative Council the “Garbage Council,” for example.他們以「垃圾會」作為立法會的暗喻。[/#ff0011] The words sound similar in Cantonese. The forum has been a popular place for more radical groups to organize rallies and is closely monitored by the police.

[#ff0011]“Those who champion peace, reason and nonviolence are the government’s agents,” one person wrote on the forum Wednesday morning.所有提倡和平、理性、非暴力都是政府派來的間諜」。[/#ff0011]

The mainstream student groups who have been the public face of Hong Kong’s sit-in demonstrations said they were not involved in the episode and did not approve of it.

“Nonviolence is our biggest weapon,” Alex Chow, the secretary general of the Federation of Students, told reporters Wednesday morning.

The sit-ins have occupied roads in three areas of the city since late September. They came in response to a decision by China’s legislature to set strict guidelines for planned elections in Hong Kong for its highest post, the chief executive.《紐約時報》:衝擊事件高登網民有份 警方一直/
2014/11/19, 3:55:33 下午
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