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[通告] 12月6日保衛戰悼念儀式
Mr Ralph MacLean 是於1941年勇敢保衛香港抗敵的香港保衛戰退伍軍人。雖然他已年過93歲,他決定跟隨Mike Babin 帶領的香港保䘙戰退伍軍人紀念協會三十人團隊於12月到香港,回顧保衛戰歷史事蹟及到軍人墳場悼念。他說若果歷史再重演,他仍然會不顧一切,為自由和平及下一代的美好文明生活而作戰。
是次吊唁守衛香港烈士的活動,歡迎公眾參與。亦是難得機會與保衛戰軍人Mr Ralph MacLean及後人一同向為港捐軀的烈士致敬。毋忘歷史。
本會HKGN Hong Kong Global Network 香港分會將出席悼念儀式。查詢:請PM本會。
加拿大駐港領事館將安排免費來回巴士接送。九時正在愛丁堡廣場出發。敬請以電郵登記:[email protected]
* Please note there is no parking at the cemetery. A complimentary shuttle bus will depart from Edinburgh Place (between City Hall and the General Post Office in Central) at 9:00am and return following the service. If you would like to use the shuttle bus service, please ensure your rsvp includes your name, the names of those who will be accompanying you and the number of seats that you would like to reserve on our shuttle service.
Hosted by Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao.
Mr Ralph MacLean 是於1941年勇敢保衛香港抗敵的香港保衛戰退伍軍人。雖然他已年過93歲,他決定跟隨Mike Babin 帶領的香港保䘙戰退伍軍人紀念協會三十人團隊於12月到香港,回顧保衛戰歷史事蹟及到軍人墳場悼念。他說若果歷史再重演,他仍然會不顧一切,為自由和平及下一代的美好文明生活而作戰。
是次吊唁守衛香港烈士的活動,歡迎公眾參與。亦是難得機會與保衛戰軍人Mr Ralph MacLean及後人一同向為港捐軀的烈士致敬。毋忘歷史。
本會HKGN Hong Kong Global Network 香港分會將出席悼念儀式。查詢:請PM本會。
加拿大駐港領事館將安排免費來回巴士接送。九時正在愛丁堡廣場出發。敬請以電郵登記:[email protected]
* Please note there is no parking at the cemetery. A complimentary shuttle bus will depart from Edinburgh Place (between City Hall and the General Post Office in Central) at 9:00am and return following the service. If you would like to use the shuttle bus service, please ensure your rsvp includes your name, the names of those who will be accompanying you and the number of seats that you would like to reserve on our shuttle service.
Hosted by Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao.
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