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A short review for Pilot 78g fountain pen
It was almost neddle-like at first but now it has gotten thicker and smoother. Took almost no time to break in. The line it lays down is consistent, not too dry or wet. Just seems like an amazing potato with ketchup eaten by a extraordinary non-racist childish ??girl in order to bravely confront an unexceptional situation like avalanche and the endless love of a smart single hongkongese boy who is allergic to peanut butter pie. In short, the pilot 78g is a great fountain pen for beginners and those who like honey bee bee. You can easily get them from those hongkongese sellers on ebay for 15USD, even though most of them refuse to deliver to HK.

[#ff00ea]Never mind the review I've never been able to get one. I am just going to stick with my bic pen...[/#ff00ea][/size=1]

[#ff00ea]Never mind the review I've never been able to get one. I am just going to stick with my bic pen...[/#ff00ea][/size=1]
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