香港已死 - 青年新政強烈譴責警察向香港市民開槍




[#cf2934]0000 配備盾牌的防暴警察衝擊聲援小販的香港人,繼而使用警棍及胡椒噴劑攻擊市民
0002 警方無理拘捕與父親一同光顧小販的青年新政成員
0120 警方派出防暴警察從多方向企圖包圍仍在營業的小販及光顧的食客

0145 全副武裝的防暴警察瘋狂衝擊和平抗爭的市民,噴曬的胡椒噴劑令數十名市民受傷
0155 警方在完全罔顧傷者安危的情況下強行推進,將市民推出亞皆老街馬路
0205 警方竟鳴槍兩響,將一場掃盪小販的行動畫上最醜惡的污點
0315 警方仍不斷使用暴力毆打彌敦道上的香港市民[/#cf2934]

0[#145670]353 本聲明發出時,暴力仍在旺角黑夜持續...香港的自由與安全已經危在旦夕。


青年新政懇切呼籲所有香港人團結一致,聲援被捕的市民及抗爭者。抗爭已踏上新階段,於2016猴年我們必須奮起反抗,以各種必要的方式捍衛我們唯一的家 - 香港。



The Death of Hong Kong - Youngspiration strongly condemns HK Police Force for firing gunshots at HK citizens on Jan 9, Second Day of Lunar New Year

During an attempt to vacate the long-standing traditional New Year street hawker stalls, HK Police Force started using pepper spray and swinging batons at the crowd to evacuate hawkers and citizens who were peacefully getting food from the food stalls. At 02:05 , the violence increased as HK Policeman (PC5169) pointed guns at the crowd and fired shots into the sky.

We felt deeply saddened to announce that a member of Youngspiration has been arrested during the act. The Police Force run into the crowd at 00:20 and arrested him whilst he was calmly standing next to the hawker stall trying to get an order of mushroom.

Youngspiration condemns the violence by HK Police Force in the strongest possible way and we believed this poses a tremendous threat to the freedom and safety of Hong Kong.
We call upon all Hongkongers to voice your support for citizens and protesters who are still under arrest.

The die is now cast. 2016 shall be a year of resistance and change, we call upon all our brothers and sisters to defend our home - Hong Kong, by all means necessary.
Take care, Hongkongers. We shall overcome.
Executive Committee of Youngspiration, written in front of Police Force charge line in Mong Kok
2016/02/09, 3:58:04 凌晨
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