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[LAW]有關Negligent Misstatement一問
想問要prove reliance去判斷existence of duty of care (negligence)
request for information or advice係唔係必須?
睇San Sebastian Pty Ltd v Minister Administering Environmental Planning Act依個case
書前一頁話request for info is not essential,
但後面又話因為plaintiff show唔到
1.alleged representation was made,
2.defendant made representation with intention to act in reliance on representation
所以defendant冇own duty of care to plaintiff
request for information or advice係唔係必須?
睇San Sebastian Pty Ltd v Minister Administering Environmental Planning Act依個case
書前一頁話request for info is not essential,
但後面又話因為plaintiff show唔到
1.alleged representation was made,
2.defendant made representation with intention to act in reliance on representation
所以defendant冇own duty of care to plaintiff
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