流到呢:Samsung s8可用相片解鎖,瞳孔檢證只為過癮

Samsung’s newly introduced Galaxy S8 features iris scanning and facial recognition via the front-facing camera. Both these features can be used to unlock the phone for those times when you don’t feel like reaching your finger around the back and feeling for its built-in fingerprint reader alongside the rear camera. iDeviceHelp posted a hands-on video with Galaxy S8’s biometrics.

They concluded that eyeballs and faces are not as secure as fingerprints because the phone could be tricked into unlocking by scanning a user’s headshot.

Check out the video from iDeviceHelp proving a workaround exists.

The Korea Herald acknowledged that iris scanning and facial recognition technologies on their own are still insufficient for security. Citing industry sources, the publication quoted one person in the know as saying that Samsung’s latest phones can be unlocked by the face of a sleeping person, or even just by a photo.

“For now, the facial recognition technology is only intended for fun,” that person concluded. “It should not be considered as a foolproof security measure.”

In a statement issued to Mashable, Samsung admitted that facial recognition offered by the new Galaxy S8 lineup cannot be used for Samsung Pay.

“Samsung made it clear to me that its facial unlocking technology is not their most secure biometric system,” reads the article. “In fact, it can’t be used for purchases with Samsung Pay. For that, you still must use the fingerprint reader on that back.”

The front-facing iris scanner can still be used to pay for items and unlock the phone.
2017/03/31, 9:35:46 晚上
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