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Feline friendly! Cat owners share hilarious photos of their VERY clingy moggies with no concept of personal space [/size=5]
•Cat owners have shared photos of their moggies who are too close for comfort
•These kitties aren't prepared to leave their humans alone for even one minute
•Have you got a clingy cat? Email your pictures to [email protected]
Cat owners have shared hilarious photos online of their moggies who have no concept of personal space such as this cat which seems to think it is a hat
Look at me! This cat provided his owner with the perfect excuse for not getting any work done
Feeline comfy? These kittens made themselves right at home on their humans' laptops
Feeline comfy? These kittens made themselves right at home on their humans' laptops
Nap time: There is no chance that this pet owner will be getting a wink of sleep thanks to his cats newfound bed
Curious kitty: This moggy is particularly nosy, taking a peek at her owner in the bath
Are you nearly done? This pair of impatient cats can't wait for their owner to get out of the bath
Mind if I join you? An inquisitive cat peers over the top of the shower at their owner
Need a hand? One moggy decided that his owner couldn't be trusted to brush her own teeth
On the road again: This cat clearly wanted to get a front seat in the car but failing that his owner's head would do nicely
Do you mind? One man was unable to pop to the loo without his pussy joining him
Can I help you? Not one but two kittens have made themselves at home in their owner's pants
That is not a hammock! This man might be in for a bit of trouble when he wants to pull his pants up
A cat stole my homework! One student is unable to complete their studies as their kitten has chosen to use their work as a bed
Can I help you with that? This feline seems hell bent on assisting her master with her studies
Are you sure that's comfy? This moggy seems totally relaxed as she lounges across this bumpy keyboard
But I love you! This kitten can't stand to spend a minute away from his beloved owner
Fascinated feline: This cat seems to be enjoying The Return of the Ring as much as his owner
Play with us! These cats seem to want their human to stop playing computer games and to pay them some attention
Are you enjoying it? This inquisitive cat is particularly nosy when it comes to his owner's reading habits
Look into my eyes: This kitten is a little too close for comfort for his owner who is trying to use a laptop
Am I doing this right? This enthusiastic kitten seems eager to help out his owner
Cats Make you Laugh Out Loud: Show hit Australian TV last year
Costume makes a monkey of this cat - but it does like banana
Adorable cat adamantly refuses to let go of owner's arm
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