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[大英祖國] 大選在即, 民調顯示保守及工黨差距收窄, 而SNP 支持度下降
今時今日民調不可盡信, 但有幾個重點
上年好多人以為 UKIP 會隨 Brexit 滅黨, 但UKIP 仍然有 soild 8-9% 支持度,
保守支持度仍然遠超工黨, SNP 支持度係蘇格蘭亦見下跌
年齡越高越支持保守, 越年輕越支越工黨, 對比過往階級分野有明顯分別
但年齡層越低就越少 turn out rate, 對工黨選情實際幫助成疑
而且有投票次數越多, 及隨年齡增長下, 由支持工黨轉而支持 Tory 既趨勢
Voting intentions in the poll have the SNP leading on 41 per cent, the Tories on 28 per cent, with Labour at 18 per cent, the Lib Dems on seven per cent, the Greens on three and Ukip on two.
[#ff0011]Earlier this week another poll said Scottish independence had dropped to 40 per cent.[/#ff0011]
The Kantar Scottish Opinion Monitor also found signs of [#ff0011]"weakening" support for independence, with 60 per cent backing staying in the UK.[/#ff0011]
The latest poll found that on independence, 55 per cent of respondents were opposed and 45 per cent in favour - the same result as the 2014 referendum on breaking-up Britain. It found 42 per cent were in favour of another referendum, with 51 per cent against, and the “don’t knows” accounting for seven per cent.
蘇獨開始散, 民意開始轉向, 除左歸功梅姐真係一個受歡迎既領袖外
SNP Nicola Sturgeon 真係好煩膠, 明知民意轉向亦堅持搞 2nd ref., 不過佢都知今次可能係最後機會![undefined](/assets/emoji/gif/hkg/angel.gif)
今時今日民調不可盡信, 但有幾個重點
上年好多人以為 UKIP 會隨 Brexit 滅黨, 但UKIP 仍然有 soild 8-9% 支持度,
保守支持度仍然遠超工黨, SNP 支持度係蘇格蘭亦見下跌
年齡越高越支持保守, 越年輕越支越工黨, 對比過往階級分野有明顯分別
但年齡層越低就越少 turn out rate, 對工黨選情實際幫助成疑
而且有投票次數越多, 及隨年齡增長下, 由支持工黨轉而支持 Tory 既趨勢
Voting intentions in the poll have the SNP leading on 41 per cent, the Tories on 28 per cent, with Labour at 18 per cent, the Lib Dems on seven per cent, the Greens on three and Ukip on two.
[#ff0011]Earlier this week another poll said Scottish independence had dropped to 40 per cent.[/#ff0011]
The Kantar Scottish Opinion Monitor also found signs of [#ff0011]"weakening" support for independence, with 60 per cent backing staying in the UK.[/#ff0011]
The latest poll found that on independence, 55 per cent of respondents were opposed and 45 per cent in favour - the same result as the 2014 referendum on breaking-up Britain. It found 42 per cent were in favour of another referendum, with 51 per cent against, and the “don’t knows” accounting for seven per cent.
蘇獨開始散, 民意開始轉向, 除左歸功梅姐真係一個受歡迎既領袖外
SNP Nicola Sturgeon 真係好煩膠, 明知民意轉向亦堅持搞 2nd ref., 不過佢都知今次可能係最後機會
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