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[移民] 痴線, 而家技術移民去加拿大勁低分就得 2
Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system – May 4, 2017
Number of invitations issued CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited
3,796 [#ff0011]423[/#ff0011] points
Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system
#60 – April 19, 2017
Number of invitations issued CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited
3,665 [#ff0011] 415[/#ff0011] points
痴撚線, 分數越跌越低
事隔上一個POST 兩個月, 已經又跌左廿分, 但收既人數重係未夠
Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system – May 4, 2017
Number of invitations issued CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited
3,796 [#ff0011]423[/#ff0011] points
Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system
#60 – April 19, 2017
Number of invitations issued CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited
3,665 [#ff0011] 415[/#ff0011] points
痴撚線, 分數越跌越低
事隔上一個POST 兩個月, 已經又跌左廿分, 但收既人數重係未夠
本貼文共有 0 個回覆
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