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Britain on lockdown: Army deploys 1,000 heavily armed soldiers to guard London, Parliament is closed to the public and Changing of the Guard is cancelled

香港匯豐銀行總行周二晚亮燈表示「WE STAND WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM 」(我們與英國並肩)(法新社)


Troops at Wellington Barracks, London prepare to be deployed to sites around Britain to deal with the increased terror threat

British troops are being deployed to Downing Street and other 'key locations' across London, replacing police as they act as armed guards following the Manchester attack

Soldiers line up to receive their orders at the Met Police's headquarters, whose famous sign is seen in the background

Soldiers from the Paratroop regiment and Irish guards arrive at Parliament today as troops are deployed around Britain

A team of soldiers carrying rifles march along Downing Street- just one of the national landmarks where military personnel have been stationed

A police officer directs troops at Buckingham Palace. The operation frees officers to continue pursuing accomplices of the bomber

Soldiers entering the Palce of Westminster. Soldiers will take on patrol duties under police command

A soldier outside the door of Number Ten yesterday, as hundreds were deployed across the city

A police officer allowed a soldier through the gates of Parliament as Scotland Yard steps up patrols amid an increased terror threat

Soldiers are replacing armed police at many popular tourist spots, including Whitehall in Westminster, as part of the Met Police's Operation Temperer, which will free up police officers to fight the terror threat

Troops armed with SA-80 assault rifles could be seen on patrol with police in central London this afternoon

A soldier from the Household Cavalry waits to cross a road in Parliament Square with an armed Met Police officer

Soldiers marched alongside police officers on Horse Guards Parade in Westminster, London as they protect the public and events

香港匯豐銀行總行周二晚亮燈表示「WE STAND WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM 」(我們與英國並肩)(法新社)


Troops at Wellington Barracks, London prepare to be deployed to sites around Britain to deal with the increased terror threat

British troops are being deployed to Downing Street and other 'key locations' across London, replacing police as they act as armed guards following the Manchester attack

Soldiers line up to receive their orders at the Met Police's headquarters, whose famous sign is seen in the background

Soldiers from the Paratroop regiment and Irish guards arrive at Parliament today as troops are deployed around Britain

A team of soldiers carrying rifles march along Downing Street- just one of the national landmarks where military personnel have been stationed

A police officer directs troops at Buckingham Palace. The operation frees officers to continue pursuing accomplices of the bomber

Soldiers entering the Palce of Westminster. Soldiers will take on patrol duties under police command

A soldier outside the door of Number Ten yesterday, as hundreds were deployed across the city

A police officer allowed a soldier through the gates of Parliament as Scotland Yard steps up patrols amid an increased terror threat

Soldiers are replacing armed police at many popular tourist spots, including Whitehall in Westminster, as part of the Met Police's Operation Temperer, which will free up police officers to fight the terror threat

Troops armed with SA-80 assault rifles could be seen on patrol with police in central London this afternoon

A soldier from the Household Cavalry waits to cross a road in Parliament Square with an armed Met Police officer

Soldiers marched alongside police officers on Horse Guards Parade in Westminster, London as they protect the public and events
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