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Woman's selfie causes '$200,000 of damage' to artworks – but was it a stunt?
Leaning back into a pedestal to try to get the perfect angle took out a whole row of sculptures at an LA gallery – at least that’s the way it looks
A woman in Los Angeles has apparently demonstrated just how damaging selfies can be by destroying whole row of pieces of art while trying to get that perfect image.
The moment, captured on video at the 14th Factory exhibition space in Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles shows a woman apparently bending down to try to get the perfect angle for a selfie shot down a row of the Hypercaine exhibition by Hong Kong-based artist Simon Birch and a series of international collaborators.
She loses her balance and leans back a bit too far, knocking over the first pedestal and sending the sculpture atop it tumbling, then knocking into the next pedestal in the row and causing a domino effect that takes out the whole row.
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