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The claws are out! Owners share hilarious photographs of their moody moggies - proving that these cats only care about themselves[/size=5]
•Cats are fiercely independent animals but also aren't afraid to demand attention
•In these hilarious images, compiled from around the web, they show who is boss
•These furry felines sit on things, knock down books and make a lot of mess


Isn't it cold in there? When somebody began looking in the fridge, their mischievous ginger cat demanded to be part of the action

Holding on: This cat realises it made a bad decision and doesn't know what to do next

Doesn't give a damn: This cat isn't afraid to show their owner just who's boss of the house

Making themselves at home: Who can sleep in when there is a cat around the house?

No homework today: A cat makes it impossible for their owner to be able to do their work

Fit together: If a cat refuses to move, you have no choice but to make the best of the situation

In the way: This cat doesn't seem to understand that tables are for working, not resting

In the way: A black cat makes its presence heard as it sits on a girl as she tries to text

Is this present for me? A cat has ruined the Christmas surprise by walking in on the gift-wrapping

No work for you today: Pulling its best angry face, this cat forbids anyone from using the computer

It's high up here: A cat doesn't seem to understand that you sit in front of the TV, not on top of it

Making music: A ginger cat soon became exhausted after playing the piano

Is this food for me? This cat doesn't seem too apologetic for making such a big mess

Did you want to eat this? A cat makes sure nobody can eat another slice of pizza

Hiding spot: A cat thought they'd discovered a place in the house they'd never be disturbed

It wasn't me: A cat looks on innocently after smashing a mirror on the floor

Breaking the rules: This cat didn't seem to mind that people were in the middle of a game

What are you looking at? A cat doesn't seem to know what to do now that it's been caught

Here's Johnny: An owner was surprised to see their cat peeping through the wall

Being a nuisance: This grey cat didn't seem to want their owner to work from home today

Making a mess: This cat doesn't seem to have understood what a litter tray is for

Helping hand: This cat wanted to join in when their owner did their homework

Distracting: This cat didn't seem to care that others might be trying to watch the TV too

Love me: Cats don't seem to feel embarrassed about demanding attention from their owners

No more technology for today: A cat has made their feelings perfectly clear

Getting to the top: This cat doesn't seem to mind who they stand on to get ahead

What are you doing in there? A cat can't seem to leave their own alone for five minutes

Guess I'm making kittenloaf for dinner: One owner reluctantly agrees on what to cook

It wasn't me: This cat was caught red-handed but still declared their innocence

No toilet roll for you: A cat has decided to play a very risky game with its owner

Mixed feelings: An owner can't decide if their cat loves them or is trying to kill them instead

Were you watching that? A cat decides to makes itself comfortable in a very awkward place

Merry Christmas: A cat welcomed the family home with a very festive surprise

No teeth cleaning tonight: A cat has made their feelings about the litter tray perfectly clear

Showing them who is boss: A cat makes the hierarchy in the household very clear

Colouring cat: An owner struggles to finish their drawing when the pet decides to intrude

That was meant for me: This cat doesn't care who the glass of water actually belongs to

You've had enough: A cat makes it clear that their owners shouldn't eat any more food
Owner tricks their cat into sitting inside a taped square
Mischievous cat scales and sits on top of christmas tree
Cute stray cat surprises TV show host by jumping on laptop

2017/07/17, 10:51:57 上午
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