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A report out of The Korea Herald claims that Samsung is all set to resume producing mobile processors for Apple again. Apple dropped Samsung as the supplier a couple of years ago and went with TSMC as the sole manufacturer of chips with the iPhone 7 last year. Samsung and TSMC were jointly producing Apple’s A series mobile processors up until then.
TSMC will continue to be the only supplier of mobile processors this year, whereas in 2018, the company is expected to share a bulk of the production with Samsung.
It is believed that Samsung’s eagerness to produce 7nm mobile processors was one of the key reasons behind Apple’s decision. It should also be noted that Apple traditionally likes splitting the manufacturing of its components to give itself more power while negotiating and also to have the demand in check.
Since Samsung is already supplying OLED panels for the iPhone 8, it makes sense for Apple to offer further manufacturing responsibility to the company. Samsung is the sole supplier of these OLED panels, which seems to have reinstated Apple’s faith in the Korean manufacturer.
TSMC has also begun testing the 7nm chips earlier this year. Samsung, on the other hand, has seemingly begun buying components required for 7nm processors. Reports suggest that Samsung acquired extreme ultra violet lithography machines for this very purpose.
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