【火星】發現完美黑三角 與TR-3B極為相似 疑為墜毀外星飛行器
【火星】發現完美黑三角 與TR-3B極為相似 疑為墜毀外星飛行器

Alien life on Mars? Conspiracy theorists believe triangle-shaped object is crashed UFO [VIDEO]
Conspiracy theorists claim that the crashed UFO is close to the alien base on Mars.

November 15, 2017 14:22 IST

The strange triangular shaped object on Mars is believed to be a crashed UFO

Conspiracy theorists believe that a strange triangle-shaped object on the surface of Mars is proof of aliens on the Red Planet. The triangular object is the sign of a crashed UFO near an alien base, they claim.

This latest claim about the alien base on the Red Planet was made in a video uploaded on YouTube by conspiracy theorist SecureTeam10.

"There is no doubt that there is something of an almost perfect triangular-shaped nature, albeit a little dented up and a little warped, but it doesn't look like it belongs there," the narrator in the video said.

"When you find another object in the same general area that again looks out of place. We have found these domes on multiple planets and moons," the narrator said while talking about the crashed UFO site and the "alien base."

"It is said that these domes are actually providing cover for existing bases so there is a breathable atmosphere. Even NASA and our own space agencies have talked about getting us to the moon and establishing bases have drawn up their plans using the same thing – domes.

"Could that be what we're seeing here? A camouflage among this crater field. Or is this some sort of ancient relic?"
前半 係加州一張相 2007年, 而家公開.
05:12 開始, 火星黑三角

In October, conspiracy theorists believed to have found the proof of "downed alien mothership" on the surface of Mars.

A video by YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible claimed that there is a 1.3-mile long craft, which serves as an evidence of an alien civilisation.

"I have processed, colorized and rebuilt the object and in my opinion it is a craft of some kind, possibly tens of thousands of years old," the narrator explained in the video.

"The object is too degraded to enhance totally so I have rebuilt it using the points of interest that are shown in the video," the video states.

"It's also over a mile long, so this must have been a mothership, either a Martian one or possibly an off-planet alien species, but why did it crash?"
2017/11/23, 11:00:39 晚上
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