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2017年 法國悼念香港保衛戰儀式
他們當年的遭遇,由香港法國國際學校(Lycée français international de Hong Kong)學生逐一讀出。今年儀式中,大會宣布發現多兩位來自法屬印度支那的犧牲者之事蹟,日後將會刻碑銘記。
Biographies of the Free French fighter whose names are on the monument.

Henri Belle, a sailor in the Merchant Navy, in transit in Hong Kong. He immediately joined the Volunteers Corps on December 8th. As a prisoner, he was transferred to a camp close to Nagoya, Japan. He died on November 3rd 1944, in rather unclear cirmcumstances.
Armand Delcourt, born in 1899. He had been working in Hong Kong as a trader since 1926 and joined the Volunteers Corps as a Private as soon as the Japanese crossed the border. Seriously injured during the battle of the Ridge, he was caught by the Japanese two days later and executed on Repulse Bay beach.
Lieutenant Frederie Jacosta, born in 1908. Officer and chief of Free French Forces Intelligence Service of Singapore. He was killed in North Point on December 19th 1941.
Paul de Roux, born in 1898. He was the director of the Bank of Indochina, Hong Kong branch. A member of the Free French Forces, he didn't physically take part in the battle of Hong Kong, but tired to organise a small network of Resistance. Arrested and tortured by the Japanese Secret Police, the Kempetai, he committed suicide on February 19th 1944, by jumping out of a window.
Captain Georges Egal, born in 1892. Official chief of Free French Forces in Shanghai, he was only in transit in Hong Kong when the Japanese invasion started. He joined the fighter protecting the electricity factory. Prisoner in Sham Shui Po camp after the capitulation, his health gravely weakened during captivity. He died in Hong Kong in 1947.
Gunner Pierre Mathieu, born in 1911. French merchant in Hong Kong, he was one of the first to enlist in the Free French Forces and he became the Secretary of the Hong Kong section. He was fighting in the artillery and taken as prisoner the 25th of December 1941. He was locked up in different camps and died in Sham Shui Po the 27th of August 1943, "electrocuted on barbed wire".

他們當年的遭遇,由香港法國國際學校(Lycée français international de Hong Kong)學生逐一讀出。今年儀式中,大會宣布發現多兩位來自法屬印度支那的犧牲者之事蹟,日後將會刻碑銘記。
Biographies of the Free French fighter whose names are on the monument.
Henri Belle, a sailor in the Merchant Navy, in transit in Hong Kong. He immediately joined the Volunteers Corps on December 8th. As a prisoner, he was transferred to a camp close to Nagoya, Japan. He died on November 3rd 1944, in rather unclear cirmcumstances.
Armand Delcourt, born in 1899. He had been working in Hong Kong as a trader since 1926 and joined the Volunteers Corps as a Private as soon as the Japanese crossed the border. Seriously injured during the battle of the Ridge, he was caught by the Japanese two days later and executed on Repulse Bay beach.
Lieutenant Frederie Jacosta, born in 1908. Officer and chief of Free French Forces Intelligence Service of Singapore. He was killed in North Point on December 19th 1941.
Paul de Roux, born in 1898. He was the director of the Bank of Indochina, Hong Kong branch. A member of the Free French Forces, he didn't physically take part in the battle of Hong Kong, but tired to organise a small network of Resistance. Arrested and tortured by the Japanese Secret Police, the Kempetai, he committed suicide on February 19th 1944, by jumping out of a window.
Captain Georges Egal, born in 1892. Official chief of Free French Forces in Shanghai, he was only in transit in Hong Kong when the Japanese invasion started. He joined the fighter protecting the electricity factory. Prisoner in Sham Shui Po camp after the capitulation, his health gravely weakened during captivity. He died in Hong Kong in 1947.
Gunner Pierre Mathieu, born in 1911. French merchant in Hong Kong, he was one of the first to enlist in the Free French Forces and he became the Secretary of the Hong Kong section. He was fighting in the artillery and taken as prisoner the 25th of December 1941. He was locked up in different camps and died in Sham Shui Po the 27th of August 1943, "electrocuted on barbed wire".
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