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法國海軍護衞艦Vendémiaire(葡月號)訪港, 昨日(26日)艦上官兵到跑馬地墳場向悼念1906年被颱風吹襲沉沒法國海軍驅逐艦La Fronde(投石號)紀念柱和1943年香港淪陷期間去世嘅法國駐港總領事Louis Reynaud墓碑獻花悼念
Navy officers paying tribute at the memorial tombstone for the crew of La Fronde
Mr. Jean-Meurice Ripert, Ambassador of France to China, and Mr. Eric Berti, Consul general in Hong Kong & Macu, lay a wreath at the the memroial tomstone for the crew of La Fronde
Mr. Ripert, Mr. Berti and navy officers paying tribute to Consul general Louis Reynaud
Navy officers paying tribute at the memorial tombstone for the crew of La Fronde
Mr. Jean-Meurice Ripert, Ambassador of France to China, and Mr. Eric Berti, Consul general in Hong Kong & Macu, lay a wreath at the the memroial tomstone for the crew of La Fronde
Mr. Ripert, Mr. Berti and navy officers paying tribute to Consul general Louis Reynaud
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