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Chan Thomas:
Chan Thomas:
Would be please if your appropriate adminstration dept could update with immediate efffect the sequence of Chinese translation match for <CHINA> ... It is currently racist to show the first match as <支那>, which refer to a insulting words used in the Second World War period by the Japanese invaders.
Rule number 1: Don't complain when it is free
"支那" comes up first because of its Cantonese romanization in which "支" is "chi" and "那" is "na". We always prioritize Cantonese romanization in ordering rather than English translation. You may want to turn off the "Word Input" option if you don't want to see that particular word.
Rule number 2: Don't forget the magic word when asking for a favour.
We consider all words are neutral, we facilitate typing by adding as many words as possible to our database. However, how to use them is subjected to the user. Other than "支那", we also include "港獨", "台獨","疆獨","藏獨", they are just words that people might type, it doesn't mean we are promoting any of them. Moreover,the site has a whole range of swearing words, especially in Cantonese, it has nothing to do with being sexist, racist or "currently racist", nor we are promoting hatred, we are just a typing tool and we respect everyone. In contrast, it is impolite to ask people to do a favour without saying the magic word, and very rude to order people to update things with immediate effect.
In case you don't understand or need further help, please refer to rule number 1 and 2.
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