Marco Rubio (佢見過Gphone哥) 呢個星期會喺參議院推法案圍攻支那
法案叫 Fair Trade With China Enforcement Act (支那公平貿易推行法)

1. BAM 所有敏感科技唔賣俾支那
2. 支那人持股美國企業有上限
3. 美國政府唔准買或租用中興或華為電訊產品(已經提出咗)
4. 更改1984年支那入息稅條約 - 支那人或法團喺美國投資賺咗錢要交稅 - 呢招係防支那將冥幣貶值 影響美國出口
5. 對支那製造2025 計劃嘅貨品收稅 同時鼓勵美國盟友咁做
6. 對跨國企業進入支那搞合營公司額外收稅

That’s why next week I will introduce the Fair Trade With China Enforcement Act to guard the American people against China’s nefarious influence on national and economic security, directly targeting China’s tools of economic aggression.

The legislation would ban the sale of all sensitive technology or intellectual property to Chinese entities and impose a shareholding cap on Chinese investors in American corporations to prevent undue influence in corporate governance. This includes an earlier bill that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and I introduced to prohibit the federal government from purchasing or leasing telecommunications products from the Chinese firms Huawei and ZTE, given growing U.S. scrutiny about the dangers these companies pose to our critical information networks.

In addition, the legislation will propose to amend the 1984 income tax treaty with China to impose a withholding tax on Chinese entities earning investment and dividend income in the United States. The goal is to discourage Chinese behavior seeking to devalue currencies, price out American exports and drive capital imbalances that make our economy weaker and less stable.

The legislation would also impose duties on Chinese capital goods in the sectors targeted by the “Made in China 2025” plan — and encourage our allies to do the same — to ensure that American buyers do not inadvertently finance China’s long-term efforts to displace our manufacturing.

Finally, it will use tools created by the new tax reform law to raise taxes on the foreign income of multinational corporations if they enter into vulnerable “joint ventures” with Chinese firms.
2018/05/07, 2:52:15 下午
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