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個鼻假㗎!大陸「無痛易容術」一秒就有高鼻樑 連淘寶都有得賣!
個鼻假㗎!大陸「無痛易容術」一秒就有高鼻樑 連淘寶都有得賣![/size=5]
撰文:Jack﹑heitung@central丨圖片來源:YouTube截圖、淘寶 |編輯:heitung@central
來源 source: http://www.orientalsunday.hk
•Women across China have showed off their make-up transformation skills
•Bloggers seen taking part in 'sculpture' make-up trend sweeping parts of Asia
•Some stick prosthetic noses over their own while others even tape their cheeks

Women across China have taken to the internet to share their incredible transformations in a series of revealing video clips - including this blogger who removes a fake nose

The talented bloggers are seen shedding fake lashes, contact lenses and even prosthetic noses in the clips - and they look completely different when they're finished

They are participating in a new 'sculpture' make-up trend sweeping parts of Asia

Not satisfied with simply highlighting their cheekbones and chiseling their jawlines as contouring does, the women completely transforming their features thanks to the new craze

Some are seen taping their cheeks for a slimmer face, while others cover their noses with fake ones for more defined features, often completing their look with coloured contact lenses

One woman showed just how much her face shape could change by using tape on her jawline and plenty of powder

Another woman showed off a completely different nose and slender face shape following a prom transformation

After shedding a pair of false lashes and heavily made-up nose one woman looked totally transformed

One blogger showed off a video as she cut off her prosthetic nose, false lashes and contact lenses

One lady proved just how much of a difference taping down your cheeks and the addition of false lashes and eyeshadow can make

A purple wig, blue contact lenses and a carefully sculpted nose gave this lady a complete transformation

One blogger wasn't afraid to show off her transformation under cellotape and heavy layers of make-up

In one of the arguably most impressive transformations a make-up pro shed her tape and nose make-up for a video

A woman gave herself elf-like features and a pointy chin with incredible make-up and sculpting talents

Donning a kimono and traditional head gear this lady shed her brows, lipstick and sculpted nose

This blogger gave herself a new nose - although viewers questioned why she felt the need to make the adjustment

One Eighties-inspired woman showed off a completely different punk inspired look - complete with new nose

One woman showed off her 'after' and 'before' looks, although many followers commented that she looked better natural

One woman showed off her stage make-up talents, pulling off painful-looking tape for the video

One beaming blogger shed her nose for a smiling selfie in another revealing video clip
Chinese bloggers share incredible make-up transformations

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