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海「民族黨」在紐約正式註冊成立,今天在美國最大的華文報章頭版登告宣佈。 發起人說:「思來想去,中國是無救了。(讓西方) 殖民三百年已無可能,剩下唯一方法,便是各地獨立。亡中國!救百姓!」
Shanghai National Party placed headline announcement: To further the cause of Shanghai independence, seek mutual support from other national independence movements, and reflect the international origin of Shanghailanders, the Shanghai National Party is now calling for de-Chinese and to be totally westernized.
Shanghai National Party placed headline announcement: To further the cause of Shanghai independence, seek mutual support from other national independence movements, and reflect the international origin of Shanghailanders, the Shanghai National Party is now calling for de-Chinese and to be totally westernized.
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