部份南美洲難民要求收取五萬美金方自願回國 [sosad]
•Two groups of migrants wrote letters to the consulate, giving 72 hours to reply
•One of the groups was made up of about 100 migrants, the other one of about 50
•Their list of demands included speeding up the asylum application process
•They also asked the US to remove Honduran President Hernandez from office

Migrants from Central America hold an El Salvador flag outside the US consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, asking American authorities to speed up the asylum application process

Two groups of migrants marched to the consulate with demands to the Trump administration

Members of the caravan are seen standing outside the US consulate in Tijuana, Mexico

Migrants from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, walk next to the border fence in Tijuana, Mexico, December 12

Migrants look on as their father walks through a sewage water tunnel to cross the border fence

A young child is seen being picked up and handed to a man straddling the border fence separate Mexico from the US Wednesday

Multiple Honduran nationals from the migrant caravan scaled the fence trying to reach California

The migrants look at US Customs and Border Protection officials in San Diego County after crossing illegally from Mexico

They are part of a caravan of thousand migrants from Central America trying to enter the US

Among the demands, migrants asked the US to accept more asylum applications per day
Migrant caravan marches towards U.S. consulate in Mexico
Conditions worsen for immigrants in Tijuana on the U.S. border

2018/12/13, 12:05:51 中午
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