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認清陳雲真面目 拒絕自治式騙局
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利申 :fb三千幾個fd ,陳雲一定知我鏟佢
甩毛陳本嘢買咗 睇咗幾頁 唔知佢up乜春 sale橋一百字內up唔掂 收得皮
佢啲教徒 都係借本嘢揾食 互相企埋啲取暖 叫做有本嘢書仔 有啲字印咗出嚟比人睇吓 睇起來好似有啲理論基礎咁
佢啲教徒 都係借本嘢揾食 互相企埋啲取暖 叫做有本嘢書仔 有啲字印咗出嚟比人睇吓 睇起來好似有啲理論基礎咁
甩毛陳本嘢買咗 睇咗幾頁 唔知佢up乜春 sale橋一百字內up唔掂 收得皮
佢啲教徒 都係借本嘢揾食 互相企埋啲取暖 叫做有本嘢書仔 有啲字印咗出嚟比人睇吓 睇起來好似有啲理論基礎咁
甩毛陳本嘢買咗 睇咗幾頁 唔知佢up乜春 sale橋一百字內up唔掂 收得皮
佢啲教徒 都係借本嘢揾食 互相企埋啲取暖 叫做有本嘢書仔 有啲字印咗出嚟比人睇吓 睇起來好似有啲理論基礎咁
社運友 成日講 Orwell 1984, 今日嘅香港, 其實 Animal Farm 先到肉,
尤其書中講隻馬 Boxer, 勤力忠誠, 不過頭腦簡單, 記憶所及 Orwell 描寫 Boxer 好似好多香港人, 邊個把口 up 緊嘢 就覺得邊個有道理
甩毛陳本嘢買咗 睇咗幾頁 唔知佢up乜春 sale橋一百字內up唔掂 收得皮
佢啲教徒 都係借本嘢揾食 互相企埋啲取暖 叫做有本嘢書仔 有啲字印咗出嚟比人睇吓 睇起來好似有啲理論基礎咁
社運友 成日講 Orwell 1984, 今日嘅香港, 其實 Animal Farm 先到肉,
尤其書中講隻馬 Boxer, 勤力忠誠, 不過頭腦簡單, 記憶所及 Orwell 描寫 Boxer 好似好多香港人, 邊個把口 up 緊嘢 就覺得邊個有道理
The most sympathetically drawn character in the novel, Boxer epitomizes all of the best qualities of the exploited working classes: dedication, loyalty, and a huge capacity for labor. He also, however, suffers from what Orwell saw as the working class’s major weaknesses: [#800080]a naïve trust in the good intentions of the intelligentsia[/#800080] and an inability to recognize even the most blatant forms of political corruption. Exploited by the pigs as much or more than he had been by Mr. Jones, Boxer represents all of the invisible labor that undergirds the political drama being carried out by the elites. Boxer’s pitiful death at a glue factory dramatically illustrates the extent of the pigs’ betrayal. It may also, however, speak to the specific significance of Boxer himself: before being carted off, he serves as the force that holds Animal Farm together.
The most sympathetically drawn character in the novel, Boxer epitomizes all of the best qualities of the exploited working classes: dedication, loyalty, and a huge capacity for labor. He also, however, suffers from what Orwell saw as the working class’s major weaknesses: [#800080]a naïve trust in the good intentions of the intelligentsia[/#800080] and an inability to recognize even the most blatant forms of political corruption. Exploited by the pigs as much or more than he had been by Mr. Jones, Boxer represents all of the invisible labor that undergirds the political drama being carried out by the elites. Boxer’s pitiful death at a glue factory dramatically illustrates the extent of the pigs’ betrayal. It may also, however, speak to the specific significance of Boxer himself: before being carted off, he serves as the force that holds Animal Farm together.
The most sympathetically drawn character in the novel, Boxer epitomizes all of the best qualities of the exploited working classes: dedication, loyalty, and a huge capacity for labor. He also, however, suffers from what Orwell saw as the working class’s major weaknesses: [#800080]a naïve trust in the good intentions of the intelligentsia[/#800080] and an inability to recognize even the most blatant forms of political corruption. Exploited by the pigs as much or more than he had been by Mr. Jones, Boxer represents all of the invisible labor that undergirds the political drama being carried out by the elites. Boxer’s pitiful death at a glue factory dramatically illustrates the extent of the pigs’ betrayal. It may also, however, speak to the specific significance of Boxer himself: before being carted off, he serves as the force that holds Animal Farm together.
The most sympathetically drawn character in the novel, Boxer epitomizes all of the best qualities of the exploited working classes: dedication, loyalty, and a huge capacity for labor. He also, however, suffers from what Orwell saw as the working class’s major weaknesses: [#800080]a naïve trust in the good intentions of the intelligentsia[/#800080] and an inability to recognize even the most blatant forms of political corruption. Exploited by the pigs as much or more than he had been by Mr. Jones, Boxer represents all of the invisible labor that undergirds the political drama being carried out by the elites. Boxer’s pitiful death at a glue factory dramatically illustrates the extent of the pigs’ betrayal. It may also, however, speak to the specific significance of Boxer himself: before being carted off, he serves as the force that holds Animal Farm together.
小農DNA 點講呢, 我會話係 Boxer 嘅變奏, 比人揾得笨多, 變咗乜都唔撚信, 乜都Ban咗你先
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